Come round full circle.* Rotations, cycles, pathways, moments, markers in time, 2021 is coming to an end. Today is three days after the last new moon of 2021. I had applied earlier this fall to a group exhibition about the moon (which I was not accepted to, you can't win em all I guess, so they say, whoever they is, ha.) however that particular exhibition application process inspired me to re-write my artist statement and take a deeper dive into my creative process by carving out some time to create and prioritize myself. (the win!)
2021 began with my work of CharVoz Studio being included in a juried group exhibition "Emergence" at BAU Gallery curated by Samantha DeTillo in Beacon, NY and 2021 is closing with my work being included in "Full Circle" with the WoArt Blog curated by Christina Massey. These are certainly poetic markers. The circle imagery in my work, with the rhythmic rotations has been apparent for a long time, and I am thrilled to have had my work included in both of these exhibitions.
FULL CIRCLE - the exhibition - curated by Christina Massey. Is on view virtually December 1 - January 2, 2022
Full Circle is an online group exhibition featuring artworks that explore the circle both physically and metaphorically. The works are as much about transition, a journey, rotation and evolution conceptually as they are aesthetically including the actual symbol of a circle or sphere. As we end 2021 and transition into 2022, there is a literal revolution completed, an orbit around the sun and starting again. We are now two years into the pandemic’s initial beginnings and now embarking on the understanding of a new variant. Things are familiar, cyclical and returning, but from new perspectives having grown from our individual journeys.
Circles have been everywhere in my life, my art, and deeply ingrained as I navigate these life pathways in the organic trail map or wondering, creating, soul purpose and love.
Here is a quick recap of some wonderful things that happened. in 2021.
4) Nyack Art Collective Exhibition at Union Restaurant
5) Supporting non-profit Arts!
- VIP Auction Event at Pelham Art Center
This April fundraising event to support the Pelham Art Center was incredible. It was fun, COVID safe, with
great music by DJ Commish, and an incredible art auction.
- Supporting Edward Hopper House
This Fall 2021 fundraiser at an incredible home had Eric Shiner as a guest speaker and supporting an
amazing art historical museum and research center in Nyack, NY If you have not been to the Edward
Hopper House, you should plan a visit.
This event is literally the most fun fall art party in Pelham, NY. Supporting all of the programs at the
Pelham Art Center, with incredible food, music, and fun fun fun! A fabulous party.
Yes, I do give back 10% of all of my art sales proceeds to local non-profit arts, and yes I will follow up with another post about some of my favorites.
6) Art Reborn: 100+ Mannequin Project with the Daniel and Trudy Reagan Foundation this exhibition in a private Home in New City, NY blew my mind. It felt a bit like a Wynwood Art Basel Party, and a bit like burning man, and it was a great kick start to art in October 2021!
- Leading to exhibiting mannequins at New Rochelle ArtsFest (Artist Fran Sisco exhibited some of the Art ReBorn Artist Mannequins at her home in New Rochelle and it was spectacular.
- Leading to temp mannequin display at Pelham Art Center
- Art Reborn - travel potential - my mannequin and a few others will be traveling to a mall in northern Westchester very soon!
I am so honored to be a part of this, as mentioned above, this show aligns with so much of my thinking. Also Christina Massey is a powerhouse. She is a fantastic artist, curator, innovator, and I am honored to also call her a friend and collaborator. (More about the big 2020 USPS Art Project she initiated, another time!)
8) Guest lecturing to Graduate Students at PAFA guest invitation from Etty Yaniv
This was my first time speaking to graduate students, about my life, career, studio practice and how I fell into the world of nonprofit arts! Yes to a new generation of artists who will continue to transform minds and our global culture!
9) Being the guest judge for the New Rochelle Council of the Arts Art Exhibition, during ArtsFest!
This was my second time being a guest juror for this organization. I have to say it is a brilliant gem of an arts council and if you are not familiar and you live in southern Westchester, absolutely check it out!
10) Exhibiting with the Piermont Flywheel Gallery from May - Sept.
I almost forgot to mention! What a way to come full circle! I re-joined the co-op gallery in Piermont, NY for a brief period this year. It is a lovely gallery space, and meeting the artists has been a real pleasure. I had been a participating artist there from 2008-2010ish and it was a real treat to be back for a bit. If you are visiting the lovely river town of Piermont, NY make sure you stroll through the Piermont Flywheel Gallery.
Hosting many many Art Events at Pelham Art Center, Flywheel Gallery, and attending as many things as possible to meet new artists, collaborate and have an incredible time, PRICELESS. Extra perk - SELLING Art, a new record number of my own original art pieces found new homes in private collections this Year! YES!!!!!!!!
Circling through time and space has been a spectacular journey this year, with a fair share of challenges and precious moments, I am all in all grateful for all of it.
* Opening line of this post is also a slight reference to the Reverend Maynard James Keenan of TOOL, although a dark song, hoping we can all find that temporary sanity.